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Global Daily News

srael hevur n ri tjartinginum Gaza

- Vit hava eisini ri hvusstini hj lgregluni Gaza bi, sigur sraelski herurin.


LIVE - Krieg in Nahost: Razzia im Westjordanland fhrt zu Toten unter Palstinensern +++ In Kinderspital in Gaza knnten laut israelischen Angaben Geiseln festgehalten worden sein Mit einem Vorstoss auf israelisches Gebiet und Massakern an der Zivilbevlkerung hat die palstinensische Terrorgruppe Hamas einen neuen Krieg ausgelst. Israel bombardiert den Gazastreifen massiv und schickt Bodentruppen in das Gebiet hinein.

Pramodya no-balls allegations on cricket selection: Sri Lanka Cricket Selection Committee Chairman and former cricketer Pramodya Wickramasinghe has no-balled the allegations raised against the team which suffered a humiliating loss at the ongoing cricket World Cup.

Wickramasinghe passed the ball onto, what he termed as a conspiracy against the selectors, and the cricket administration.

He alleged that those involved in the conspiracy

Xbox Game Pass: Leak verrt weitere berraschung im November

Will the Next Geopolitical Flash Point Be a Centuries-Old Border Dispute in an Oil-Rich Corner of South America

The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 11/14/2023

Philippine Court Grants Bail to Critic of Dutertes Brutal Drug Crackdown

Avoid Diet Weed, Johns Hopkins Expert Says

Israeli War Crimes and Propaganda Follow US Blueprint

A Star Witness Against Google: Googles AI Chatbot

The Next Insulin Scandal

News from around the World.

Bob Woodard and Carl Bernstein on Trump, Watergate at 50, and Our Democracy

Zelenskyy receives military reports: Russians increase assault actions

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been briefed on the increase in Russian assault actions on the front.
Source: Zelenskyy on Telegram
Quote: "Daily conference call. Intelligence reports, schedules for ammunition, missiles, and equipment supply.


VIENNA CALLING! Protests against the 100th anniversary celebration of Interpol in Vienna!

The goal was clear to determine a set of fundamental ethical principles to protect the integrity of and in the age, when these technologies are poised to transform the industry


TBS NEWS DIG# shorts

Canadian peace advocate Vivian Silver confirmed killed in Hamas attack

Sail World: Cascais J70 Winter Series Atlantic Cup:


Internationaler Tag gegen Gewalt an Frauen: Frauennetzwerk informiert in der City, Redaktion Saarnews


China, Iran, Arab nations condemn Israeli minister's statement about dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza
China, Iran and a multitude of Arab nations condemned an Israeli minister's statement that a nuclear bomb on the Gaza Strip was an option in the Israel-Hamas war, calling it a threat to the world.

Bateau - yacht: fondation de la voile un nouveau levier pour financer un sport engage:

Paris : un homme meurt aprs une course-poursuite avec la police
franceinfo - 14/11 10:54
Le drame s'est droul lundi soir vers 23h30, place de la porte de Bagnolet, dans le 20 arrondissement de Paris.
Temps de lecture : 2 min
Un homme est mort lundi soir Paris, place de la porte de Bagnolet (20e arrondissement), aprs une course-pour... 2413 chars

Bizutage et blague de Deschamps... C'tait la premire de Zare-Emery Clairefontaine
20 Minutes - 14/11 10:34
On ntait pas dans la tte de Warren Zare-Emery, au moment de monter les marches menant au chteau de Clairefontaine, mais on imagine bien que a devait cogiter l-dedans. Quoique. Habituer, depuis tout jeune, tre surclass, peut-tre que le mil... 1982 chars

Tour de France. Le Grand Dpart de ldition 2025 sera donn du Nord de la France
Ouest-France - 14/11 11:18
Cest dsormais officiel : le Tour de France 2025 va partir du Nord de la France. ASO, lorganisateur de la Grande Boucle, vient dacter ce mardi 14 novembre que la Rgion Hauts-de-France, le Dpartement du Nord et la Mtropole Europenne de Lille ... 2106 chars


Projection lAssemble de lattaque du Hamas : " Les images produites par les criminels posent un srieux problme et mettent les spectateurs dans une position insoutenable "
Le Monde - 14/11 11:48
Le dput (Renaissance) Mathieu Lefvre, galement prsident du groupe damiti France-Isral, a propos dorganiser lAssemble nationale, le 14 novembre, la projection dun montage dimages fixes et animes des massacres commis par le Hamas le 7 ... 2343 chars

Inondations dans le Nord et le Pas-de-Calais : 244 communes classes en catastrophe naturelle, annonce Macron
Le Figaro - 14/11 12:20
Le prsident de la Rpublique sest rendu dans les Hauts-de-France ce mardi matin. La rgion fait face de graves inondations depuis plusieurs jours.
Le prsident Emmanuel Macron a promis mardi lors d'un dplacement dans le Pas-de-Calais un fonds d... 3930 chars

Hacker News: The Importance of Continuous Security Monitoring for a Robust Cybersecurity Strategy

BC News (CBC): B.C. landowner's arson theory rejected as panel orders him to pay $450K for causing wildfire via /Canada/BritishColumbia

Queer Eye's Bobby Berk to leave show

The interior designer says leaving the Netflix makeover show was a "necessary" decision.


Erster Adventmarkt im Pongau erffnet am 16. November: Mit der Erffnung des Licht-Advents in St. Johann startet die diesjhrige Adventmarkt-Saison am Donnerstag ungewhnlich frh. Auch andernorts laufen im Bezirk die letzten Vorbereitungen fr die "stillste Zeit im Jahr". Mancherorts tut man sich heuer schwerer Ausschank-Personal zu finden.

Zuchterfolg bei seltener Spaltenschildkrte im Haus des Meeres: Zwei Jungtiere erblickten vor einiger Zeit das Licht der Welt.

Dominica to create world's first sperm whale reserve

The Caribbean island will protect an area of ocean from commercial fishing to safeguard sperm whales.


"Wir brauchen mehr!": Handelsangestellte demonstrierten in : Hunderte Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Handels zogen Dienstag Mittag mit Trommelwirbel und Trillerpfeifen durch die Salzburger Innenstadt. Sie fordern faire Lhne fr harte Arbeit.

Russian memorials to victims of Stalin vanish

While plaques marking his rule of terror disappear, the Soviet dictator's popularity is on the rise.


McDonald's fires 18 people after BBC investigation

The restaurant chain's UK boss tells MPs more than 400 people have made complaints since July.
