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Global Daily News

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, February 3, 2024

"Kremlin is doubling down on its support for Iran

Russian milbloggers continued to fixate on a recent unsuccessful Russian mechanized assault near Novomykhailivka, Donetsk Oblast"

Al 15 doden door woningbranden in 2024, en het jaar is amper n maand oud: enkele tips om het veilig te houden

In amper iets meer dan een maand tijd zijn er in ons land al 15 mensen omgekomen in een woningbrand. Dat zijn er meer dan dubbel zoveel dan vorig jaar. "In december en januari vallen de meeste slachtoffers", vertelt Peter Van Rossum van Oscare - een onderzoekscentrum voor brandwonden. Hij geeft enkele tips.

Civilian killed and 2 injured in Russian attack on residential area in Toretsk

At least one civilian was killed and two injured in a Russian attack on the town of Toretsk (Donetsk Oblast) on 4 February.
Source: a report from Donetsk Oblast Military Administration
Details: The report noted that the Russians had attacked the city with artillery at around 13:00, hitting a residential area.

POL-Lebach: Vorfaschingskontrollen im Zustndigkeitsbereich der Polizeiinspektion Lebach, (


Passing the paddle: Churchill River Canoe Outfitters changes hands as it enters 60th year in northern Sask.

After 35 years at the helm, Ric Driediger has sold Churchill River Canoe Outfitters to another passionate canoe enthusiast.

Global Daily News

Sask. government says many James Smith inquest recommendations already in place, but funding needed for others

The Saskatchewan government says many of the recommendations made at an inquest into the stabbing massacre at James Smith Cree Nation are already in place or in the process of being enacted, but enforcement groups say more funding is needed.

Sail World: Oldest videos of Transatlantic sailing races:

Gamecocks Raven Johnson leading the charge during revenge season

KI-Verordnung: Ampel-Koalition will biometrische berwachung eingrenzen

Die Regierungsfraktionen sind sich einig, die mit dem AI Act verbleibende Option fr einen strengeren Rahmen zu automatisierter Fernidentifizierung zu nutzen.

Quebec girl found safe after Amber Alert
The missing child from Repentigny was found safe and sound after an amber alert was issued.

Gillian Keegan: I'm confident of 15 hours of free childcare by April

But the education secretary does not confirm the scheme will be ready for all eligible parents.



Anonym arbeiten und surfen: Tails 5.22 ist da und Tails 6.0 erscheint zeitnah

Die aktuelle Tails-Version bringt kaum Neues mit, dafr trumpft aber das bald erscheinende Tails 6.0 mit Neuheiten auf. Das kann man jetzt schon ausprobieren.

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Metro: want live forever longevity doctor will see now

Pltzlich steht da ein neuer Jrvi am Pult Die Tonhalle Zrich erprobt ein unkonventionelles Konzertmodell, um jngeres Publikum zu gewinnen. Dafr greift der Musikdirektor selbst zum Mikrofon und spricht ber sein Verhltnis zur Musik. Die Auffhrung von Mahlers Fnfter scheint das Format zu beflgeln.

The Register: Save the Mars Sample Return mission, plead Congresscritters

Iran Hamas & Hezbollah Update, February 3, 2024

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Sask. government says many James Smith inquest recommendations already in place, but funding needed for others
The Saskatchewan government says many of the recommendations made at an inquest into the stabbing massacre at James Smith Cree Nation are already in place or in the process of being enacted, but enforcement groups say more funding is needed.


Passing the paddle: Churchill River Canoe Outfitters changes hands as it enters 60th year in northern Sask.
After 35 years at the helm, Ric Driediger has sold Churchill River Canoe Outfitters to another passionate canoe enthusiast.

How does this 49ers-Chiefs rematch compare to their Super Bowl LIV showdown Four years ago, a powerful Chiefs offense overcame a dominant 49ers defense. This year's showdown looks much different on paper.

"Everything We Know About The Aftermath Of Last Nights Airstrikes

As the U.S. determines what effect 85 strikes against targets in Iraq and Syria had, there were new attacks against Houthi targets in Yemen. "

Learn why this Timmins couple moved from the funeral business to Italian sandwiches
The food world is full of people who have made big career shifts to follow their passion. This week on Northern Nosh, Up North host Jonathan Pinto met Kennedy and Ryan Wilson, a young couple who left jobs as funeral directors to open to Ciao Sandwich Co., an Italian sandwich shop in Timmins.


NPR: Kids who have dogs get significantly more physical activity, compared to kids who don't. Researchers followed 600 children over three years, and found young girls got the biggest exercise boost.

"Russia faces critical shortage of modern air defense systems"

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"All Russian T-90M tanks in Ukraine may have received Telnik shells"


Conhea Andr Ribeiro, o general que faz histria no Exrcito como o primeiro comandante regional militar negro


Comerciante judia atacada por mulher na Bahia: "sionista", "assassina" (vdeo)


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Why get a portrait of your Dog?