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Global Daily News

Rivian Earnings: Is an Apple Acquisition the Only Way Out
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Are You an Anarchist The Answer May Surprise You by David Graeber
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Uber forecasts gross bookings for second quarter below expectations
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Climate: Worlds record-breaking temperature streak extends through April

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Government payment delay forces Joburgs biggest food bank to close

Best Savings Rates Today -- Score an APY as High as 5.55% While You Still Can, May 8, 2024 - CNET
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This iOS 17 Feature Gives Your iPhone a Security Boost - CNET
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Lebensgefhrlich - Zwei Mnner in Wien mit Messer niedergestochen

Prozessor-Instabilitten: Intel kritisiert Mainboard-Hersteller

Die Probleme mit unzuverlssigen CPUs der 13. und 14. Core-i-Generation gehen in eine neue Runde: Intel kritisiert Gegenmanahmen einiger Mainboardfirmen.

You're Going to Want to Buy Your Stamps ASAP. Here's What to Know About USPS' Price Hike - CNET
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The Real Physics Behind Dark Matter's Interdimensional Travel - CNET
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Hades 2 Is In Early Access, but You Can Play the Original on Netflix Games Now - CNET
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Hopedale youth win $1M to build cultural centre, with ambitions for 'something potentially huge'
A group of youth in Hopedale in northern Labrador have won $1 million to build their dream of an Inuit cultural centre in their home community, marking the first Nunatsiavut project to win the Arctic Inspiration Prize. 

International Institute of Hotel Management and Mayfair Hotels & Resorts Set New Standard with Strategic Collaboration Agreement

Escape Together: Babymoon Bliss at Four Seasons Lanai Resort

FMUs Genwright uses computer science to improve experience

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In praise of Mats Hummels, Borussia Dortmunds born leader Redemption awaits at Wembley for the Dortmund veteran whose outstanding displays against PSG helped his team into the Champions League final

Telecommunications to play a critical role in upcoming elections

Venture Firms Double, Then Halve, In Stunning Reversal
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Olympics: Flame arrives in Marseille amid tight security

Universal Basic Income Grant: who should run it

Search for armed and dangerous gunman after male is shot in the head, SC cops say

Huaweis licenses to buy chips from Qualcomm and Intel revoked
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Politicians and nonprofits will struggle to keep AI in checkbut corporate boards cant afford to fail
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Drought, floods, pandemic how Calgary is working to improve food security amid crisis
As part of its climate resilience strategy, passed in 2018, the City of Calgary is developing a food resilience plan to ensure all Calgarians have access to food no matter the disruption to the supply chain.

The secret to sold-out concerts in Bassano Cocktail hour, for starters
The Bassano Arts Council is celebrating its 40th anniversary and two sold-out seasons in a row. Like many Alberta arts promoters, the council is finding success by expanding the concert experience, making them social occasions.

OpenAIs Deepfake Detector Can Spot Images Generated by DALL-E

Sweden's Interest Rate Decreases to 3.75% in Recent Decision

Die Mehrwegpflicht - ein guter Reinfall

Hacker News: The Fundamentals of Cloud Security Stress Testing

lections europennes : les coulisses du dbat entre Jordan Bardella et Gabriel Attal
franceinfo - 08/05 09:15
Le dbat entre Jordan Bardella et Gabriel Attal aura bien lieu, ce sera le jeudi 23 mai sur France 2. Ce qui a dcid le Premier ministre rentrer dans l'arne, c'est l'attitude de son adversaire. Il y a quelques semaines encore le Gabriel Attal est... 2544 chars

Emmanuel Macron dtaille ce quil entend par " rarmement dmographique "
Le HuffPost - 08/05 10:26
POLITIQUE - Aprs leffet dannonce (et les polmiques qui ont suivi) Emmanuel Macron en dit plus sur le rarmement dmographique voqu lors de sa confrence de presse du 16 janvier. Dans une interview... 2358 chars

Core du Nord : Kim Ki Nam, l'ancien responsable de la propagande du rgime, est mort
franceinfo - 08/05 10:48
Kim Ki Nam est mort l'ge de 94 ans. Il a galement t vice-prsident du Parti des travailleurs de Core et ambassadeur Pkin dans les annes 1950.
L'ancien chef de la propagande de la Core du Nord, Kim Ki Nam, considr comme le matre d'uvre... 1821 chars

"La fin de l'Europe, c'est un danger mortel pour la France" : la Mutualit, le camp Macron appelle au sursaut le 9 juin
Le Figaro - 08/05 11:24
Proccups par le risque dun chec aux lections europennes, Gabriel Attal, Valrie Hayer et les dirigeants macronistes ont alert contre le projet de moins dEurope dfendu par le RN, lors dun meeting organis mardi Paris.
Emmanuel Macron con... 5781 chars

La surprenante prsence de lambassadeur de France linvestiture de Vladimir Poutine
Le Monde - 08/05 11:46
La prsence de lambassadeur de France, Pierre Lvy, parmi les rares diplomates occidentaux ayant accept dassister la crmonie dinvestiture du prsident Vladimir Poutine, Moscou, mardi 7 mai, avait de quoi surprendre, pour plusieurs raisons.
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Troyes suspend quatre joueurs ayant lanc les fumignes sur les fans
Onze Mondial - 08/05 12:03
Zapping Onze Mondial EXCLU : linterview Petit frre de Randal Kolo Muani !
La descente aux enfers pour Troyes. Vendredi, l'ESTAC avait une grosse opportunit de rester en vie dans la course au maintien en accueillant Valenciennes, d'ores et dj... 1777 chars

Celebrate Moms Love with a Special Mothers Day Brunch at Sheraton Grand Bangalore Hotel

New Zealand.