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Global Daily News

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Das US-Militr greift trotz UN-Anfragen ein weiteres Houthi-Ziel im Jemen an

Sail World: Dont let the cold defeat you:

for 1/13/24

1. Deadly Israeli airstrikes

2. in U.S. is life-threatening

3. Ruling party wins election

4. More Russian airstrikes

The Debt Explosion: How Neoliberalism Fuels Debt Crises

The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 01/13/2024 (Weekend Edition)

News from around the World.

Commemorating the Heritage of Humboldt

"L'Ukraine est et restera la priorit de la France", assure le chef de la diplomatie franaise
franceinfo - 13/01 12:42
Un premier dplacement d'envergure pour le nouveau ministre des Affaires trangres. Stphane Sjourn est arriv Kiev, samedi 13 janvier, o il doit rencontrer Volodymyr Zelensky. "L'Ukraine est et restera la priorit de la France" et ce, "en dpi... 2462 chars

Hacker News: Critical RCE Vulnerability Uncovered in Juniper SRX Firewalls and EX Switches

Taiwan kiest voor president die zich onafhankelijk opstelt tegenover China

In Taiwan heeft William Lai van de regerende Democratisch Progressieve Partij (DPP) de presidentsverkiezingen gewonnen. Dat blijkt uit de voorlopige resultaten. Zijn tegenstander van oppositiepartij Kwomintang (KMT) heeft zijn nederlaag al toegegeven. De DPP heeft ook de voorbije 8 jaar de president geleverd en stelt zich onafhankelijk op tegenover China.

Source: CBC

Baby formula under lock and key at some -area drug stores
At least two Shoppers Drug Mart locations in the area have baby formula locked up. An Acadia University researcher says she's not surprised to see formula behind glass.



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: 13.01.2024

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KDE Reduces CPU Usage On Wayland When Moving The Pointer & Other Fixes
Sat, 13 Jan 2024 15:02:07

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Metro: scientists discover reason arent bigfoots

Tann dagin Frrikur kongur 9. doyi


The Register: While we fire the boss, can you lock him out of the network

Norski venjarin: Hava fyrireika seg vl upp Elias og la

Venjarin hj norska hondbltslandslinum, Jonas Ville, dylir ikki fyri, at Norra vil hava fult stigatal, og t hava teir fyrireika seg vl upp ftfimu froysku splararnar


Soon. 15.01.2024

, ... (SBS

Recordaantal leerlingen met gedrags- of leerstoornis

Afgelopen schooljaar telde Vlaanderen een recordaantal leerlingen met een gedrags- of leerstoornis. Zo schrijft De Tijd. Uit de nieuwe jaarcijfers van de Centra voor Leerlingenbegeleiding (CLB) blijkt dat in het schooljaar 2022-2023 meer dan 21.000 leerlingen een document kregen dat hen toegang geeft tot gespecialiseerde zorg en extra begeleiding.

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Yukon's oldest independent newspaper wants feedback, to help keep the presses running
In the face of a changing media industry and the evolving habits of readers, the 124-year-old Whitehorse Star newspaper is looking for help to guide its way into the future.

NPR: Documents released by a federal court don't have any smoking guns or stunning revelations. They do include claims that people in Epstein's world "would have to be blind" not to know about his crimes.

Baby formula under lock and key at some Halifax-area drug stores

At least two Shoppers Drug Mart locations in the Halifax area have baby formula locked up. An Acadia University researcher says she's not surprised to see formula behind glass.

Baby formula under lock and key at some Halifax-area drug stores

At least two Shoppers Drug Mart locations in the Halifax area have baby formula locked up. An Acadia University researcher says she's not surprised to see formula behind glass.

Commanders head-coaching candidates who could boost their case in the playoffs Several candidates Washington has expressed interest in will have a chance to make a final impression during the postseason.

Bruins defense analysis: Matt Grzelcyk and Hampus Lindholm have more to give Coach Jim Montgomery started 2023-24 with goal prevention as his go-to. That has gone awry.

Browns vs. Texans wild card live updates and score: How to watch, start time, predictions, injuries The AFC South champion Texans host the surging Browns to cap Saturday's wild-card action

How Bill Belichicks mishandling of Mac Jones, offense, led to demise with Patriots Belichick's inability to develop Jones and build a competent offense around him cost him his job in New England.

Traficante responsvel pelo assassinato dos mdicos na Barra da Tijuca segue foragido buscas chegam a MG


Rabies Is a Deadly, Unpredictable Threat. Here's How to Protect Yourself.

January 13, 2024 at 11:30AM

- The in and

Quanto mais armas, maior o nmero de crimes! Armamentismo mata!, afirma Lindbergh


Ex-diretor da PRF investigado por favorecimento Bolsonaro nas eleies isentado


A magyar vasti jrmgyrts legendi a Bivaly j sorozatunkban a magyar vasti jrmgyrts leghresebb vasparipit mutatjuk be. Els alanyunk az idn 100 ves 424-es gzs.

voici le taux d'augmentation des prix partir du 1er fvrier 2024 - 13/01 11:59
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Il tait dit quelle interviendrait mcaniquement avec la suppression entrine du bouclier financier. En effet, les factures dlectricit augmenteront sensiblement cette anne. La hausse prog... 2826 chars

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British license