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Global Daily News

Lithuania will allocate 358,000 for project to strengthen training of special services in fight against terrorism

*Germany Aug Industrial Output Falls 0.2% On Month Vs. -0.6% In Jul, Consensus -0.3%

Russians give Hamas trophy weapons to discredit Ukraine Defence Intelligence

The Russian occupiers handed over trophy weapons manufactured in the USA and the EU and captured during the hostilities in Ukraine to Hamas militants. Defence Intelligence of Ukraine says Russia is preparing to discredit Ukraine to affect the attitude of allies and the provision of Western weapons.


Northern Israel is now under attack from Lebanon.

Sirens are sounding and people are entering bomb shelters.

According to some reports 12-16 rockets were fired by Hezbollah or Palestinians from southern Lebanon

Clotilde Armand anun c a dispus suspendarea activitii a nou terase celebre din Parcul Herstru i de pe pentru c dau muzica tare: Nuba, Cucina, Kayo, Funky Lounge, Bar 112 i Grdina Monteoru.

50 Cent is now sponsoring an under-14s football team in Cardiff


, .

Global Daily News

Is the Israel-Hamas war the beginning of a major regional war in the Middle East

*Norway Aug GDP Falls 0.2% On Month Vs. +0.3% In July

Two new neighborhoods and an ice cream business could be next up in Lake Wylie

Palestine Health minister urges international intervention to stop Israeli attacks on medical staff, ambulances in Gaza

Fimm stig til Vking og tvey stig til B68


Sail World: Les Voiles de Saint Tropez overall:

Bateau - yacht: quand vie au mouillage rime avec autonomie electrique:

So wandeln sich die politischen Landkarten von Israel und Palstina Mit dem Angriff der Hamas auf Israel ist der Konflikt in Nahost erneut eskaliert. Historische Karten zeigen, wie sich die politischen Grenzen zwischen Israel und Palstina in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten nach und nach verschoben haben erzhlt aus den Blickwinkeln beider Lager.

LIVE - Israel mobilisiert 300 000 Reservisten und plant totale Blockade von Gaza +++ Luftalarm in ganz Israel Am Samstag erfolgten berraschende Raketenangriffe aus dem Gazastreifen auf Israel. Das israelische Militr reagierte mit massiven Luftangriffen im Gazastreifen.

*Denmark Aug Current Account Surplus DKK 21.4 Bln Vs. DKK 23.4 Bln In July

Norlsi gtuni

Mnadagur er og Norlsi er veg allar postkassar Noroyggjum, Eiis kommunu umframt til haldarar okkara


Emmanuel Macron rend hommage "un intervieweur redoutable" lors d'une crmonie France Tlvisions
franceinfo - 09/10 10:50
Dure de la vido : 1 min
Le sige du groupe d'audiovisuel public a t rebaptis au nom du journaliste, qui a prsid France 2 et France 3 de 1993 1996.
"Ce serait une litote de dire que Jean-Pierre Elkabbach tait un intervieweur redoutable." Emm... 2088 chars

Aprs les attaques du Hamas contre Isral, Natalie Portman " horrifie " a " le cur bris "
Le HuffPost - 09/10 11:18
Marc Piasecki / WireImage Marc Piasecki / WireImage
PEOPLE - Deux jours aprs loffensive, les hommages se multiplient. Alors que les combats se poursuivent, ce lundi 9 octobre, entre des activistes du Hamas et les forces israliennes depuis les atta... 6203 chars

Alpes-Maritimes : Le chauffard suspect de la mort dun jeune conducteur nouveau test positif la cocane au volant
20 Minutes - 09/10 11:37
Contrl au volant fin septembre alors quil na plus le droit de conduire, lhomme de 43 ans qui doit tre bientt jug pour la mort dun jeune conducteur de 16 ans tait en plus positif la cocane. Le prvenu a t plac en dtention provisoire... 1314 chars

Attaque du Hamas contre Isral : la tour Eiffel sera claire aux couleurs du drapeau isralien
franceinfo - 09/10 11:40
Anne Hidalgo a exprim "son soutien total au peuple d'Isral qui pleure ses morts et qui fait face encore aujourd'hui une attaque terroriste".
Temps de lecture : 1 min
La tour Eiffel sera claire aux couleurs du drapeau isralien, lundi 9 octobre,... 1225 chars

INFO CORSE-MATIN. Srie d'attentats en Corse : le FLNC revendique les actions clandestines des 8 et 9 octobre dans un communiqu
Corse Matin - 09/10 12:13
L'organisation clandestine revendique, travers une communication laconique, dont l'unique page a t transmise Corse-Matin ce lundi 9 octobre, "la srie d'actions de la nuit du 8 au 9 octobre 2023".
Sous le sigle FLNC, crit en lettre capitale, l... 794 chars

Hacker News: High-Severity Flaws in ConnectedIO's 3G/4G Routers Raise Concerns for IoT Security

BC News (CBC): B.C. MLA says she's open to criticisms about her work but 'not about how I dress, or look, or pose' via /Canada/BritishColumbia

Audubon's Birds of America: a rare sighting at New Brunswick's Legislative Library
A copy of the very rare book Birds of America, by John James Audubon, sits in a glass case at the legislature in Fredericton.

$2.7 billion lost to social media scams since 2021 'tmiss

Microsoft 365 email senders urged to implement SPF, DKIM and DMARC 'tmiss

Source: CBC

Audubon's Birds of America: a rare sighting at 's Legislative Library
A copy of the very rare book Birds of America, by John James Audubon, sits in a glass case at the legislature in .

Xiaomi tipped to replace MIUI with MiOS

Check it out!

Saudi Arabia has called for an immediate halt to the escalation of conflict between Palestinians and Israel, following the major military operation launched by the Palestinian Resistance on Saturday.

Zelenskyy to NATO: Hamas and Russia are the same evil, you cannot give terror a chance

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, during an address to a meeting of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Copenhagen, called for unification and the fight against terrorism, comparing Hamas' tactics in Israel with those of Russia, which it uses against Ukraine.

*Germany Aug Industrial Output Down 2.0% On Year Vs. -1.7% In July

Abu Obeida, Al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson, released a new message on Sunday, calling on all Palestinians to join the battle. Here is the full statement.

Metro: nasa asteroid mission psyche gold how to watch

The Register: Not even the ghost of obsolescence can coerce users onto Windows 11

Newron avance contre la schizophrnie

Le laboratoire milanais Newron, cot Zurich, revendique lundi de nouveaux rsultats cliniques prometteurs pour son traitement exprimental contre la schizophrnie, l'evenamide. Les nouvelles donnes confirment l'volution prometteuse des symptmes subis par la centaine de patients recruts sur six semaines, dj annonce en juin dernier.

War on Gaza: Hundreds Killed, Thousands Wounded LIVE BLOG

Five members of PENTAGON confirmed to leave CUBE Entertainment



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