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Global Daily News

Hypothermic turtle rescued in B.C. waters in first sighting since 2015
Loggerhead sea turtles are typically seen in subtropical and temperate seas, and the rescued turtle is only the second ever seen in B.C. waters. It is now recovering in the care of the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Mammal Rescue Society.

News from around the World.

How this B.C. hospital uses dogs to sniff out disease
At Vancouver Coastal Health, a unique canine care team helps detect diseases. Our science and climate specialist Darius Mahdavi spent the day with some of the dogs to learn how they do what they do.

Liberals' proposed AI law too vague, costly, Big Tech executives tell MPs
Representatives from Big Tech companies say a Liberal government bill that would begin regulating some artificial intelligence systems is too vague.

DCBN Trending News: Naborforce makes a second push into North Carolina

Lichaam gevonden in kanaal Ingelmunster: "Wellicht van de vermiste vrouw van 84"

In het kanaal Roeselare-Leie is een lichaam gevonden. Wellicht gaat het om de vrouw van 84 die al bijna drie weken vermist is. De identificatie van het lichaam moet nog gebeuren.

Man (58) ontsnapt aan gewelddadige ontvoeringspoging met foltering in Willebroek: twee Albanezen aangehouden

In Willebroek is een man van 58 ontsnapt aan een ontvoeringspoging met foltering. De feiten gebeurden al in november van vorig jaar maar het Antwerps parket komt er nu mee naar buiten. Tijdens het onderzoek werden twee Albanezen aangehouden, van wie de aanhouding van een van hen dinsdag is verlengd.

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Aktuelle Meldungen der Polizei Homburg, Redaktion Saarnews

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Indonesias sinking villages: a hopeless battle against rising sea levels DW News
People on the Indonesian coast of Java are fighting a hopeless battle against rising sea levels as their village slowly sinks into the waves. The inhabitants of Timbulsloko are forced to adapt to a new way of life on the water. But the villagers may only have a few years left before their homes and lives are completely submerged.

Polish farmers will again block two Ukraine border checkpoints for trucks: formally, the reason for the blocking was the decision of the European Commission to continue the full opening of the EU market for Ukrainian products, the State Customs Service of Ukraine.

From February 9, the checkpoint "Dorogusk-Yagodin" will be blocked.
From February 12, the Zosyn-Ustylug checkpoint will be blocked

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Sail World: 2024 ILCA Masters Worlds at Adelaide day 4:


Epic Games: Disney schmiedet fr 1,5 Mrd. Dollar Fortnite-Plne

Pictet pnalis par le franc fort et l'amende amricaine en 2023

Pictet a vu sa rentabilit reculer en 2023 en raison notamment de la forte apprciation du franc et du rglement du litige avec la justice amricaine. Le groupe bancaire genevois a toutefois pu compter sur une hausse des actifs sous gestion et un afflux d'argent frais.

Bateau - yacht: pour mon arrivee de nuit au port de quelle couleur sera le phare qui me guidera:

1 week in Grey-Bruce: 6 overdoses
Grey Bruce Public Health (GBPH) is issuing an alert to people who use substances after receiving reports of six suspected opioid-related overdoses.

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Hacker News: Unified Identity - look for the meaning behind the hype!


The Troubles: Former soldier charged with murder over 1972 shooting

The former soldier faces a charge of murdering Patrick McVeigh and attempted murder of six others.


Samsung Galaxy A55 and C55 live images also shared by TENAA

Check it out!

La rforme de l'Education nationale, victime collatrale du coup de sang de Franois Bayrou
Les chos - 08/02 11:29
Par Marie-Christine Corbier
C'est une attaque en rgle contre la politique ducative mene par Emmanuel Macron . En annonant avec fracas qu'il n'entrerait pas au gouvernement , Franois Bayrou a fait tat d'un dsaccord profond, d' une diffrence d... 306 chars

"Je ne m'attendais pas autant !" : avec l'envole du cours de l'or, de plus en plus de particuliers revendent leurs bijoux
franceinfo - 08/02 11:41
Le cours de l'or a t multipli par deux en dix ans, et il ne cesse d'augmenter. Les boutiques spcialises dans l'achat et la revente d'or reoivent toujours plus de clients.
L'or a la cote en ce moment. Depuis le mois de dcembre, le kilo est valo... 1984 chars

En direct, guerre en Ukraine : larme russe attaque Avdivka " avec des forces trs importantes ", affirme le maire de la ville de lest de lUkraine
Le Monde - 08/02 12:38
Le point sur la situation mercredi 7 fvrier, en fin de soire
Nouveau blocage au Snat amricain lors dun vote sur lUkraine, Isral et limmigration
Les snateurs amricains ont but mercredi sur un accord visant dbloquer de nouveaux fonds pour... 2262 chars

Der nchste Kurswechsel im SC Bern: Patrik Brtschi folgt auf Andrew Ebbett Der einst dominante Klub sucht nach seiner DNA. Mit dem Wechsel des Sportchefs kommt es schon wieder zu einer personellen Vernderung.



Musk Giving Starlink Systems to Russia!

Ukraine's military was informed about the appearance of Starlink in Russia with access to the occupied territories of Ukraine.

They also write about the reduced speed of Ukrainian starlinks!

Mjlnir er favorittur at vinna seg sttu steypafinaluna ra

Bnus-kappingin, menn: Hlvfinalurnar vera leygardagin Klaksvk


Steypafinalistarnir fr fjr mtast hlvfinaluni

Bnus-kappingin: Hlvfinalurnar bi hj kvinnum og monnum vera leygardagin Klaksvk


Metro: ai chatbots launch nuclear weapons way

Residents asking city for help as garbage piles up in Regina's North Central neighbourhood
Erinn Paik says she has watched Regina's North Central neighborhood become littered with garbage since moving her family to the area one year ago.

The Register: Microsoft seeks patent for tech to put words into your mouth

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How do the Angels replace Shohei Ohtani Key spring training questions Will the pitching hold up Can the young players hold down everyday jobs And how do they move beyond a certain two-way superstar

Patrick Mahomes isnt ready for Tom Brady comparisons, but theyre coming Mahomes could win his third Super Bowl ring by age 28 on Sunday. Brady, the undisputed Greatest of All Time, had won three by the same age.

Suzanne Treister