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Global Daily News


Anklage gegen Sebastian Kurz: sterreichs Ex-Kanzler Kurz muss wegen mglicher Falschaussage vor Gericht Sebastian Kurz war einst der grosse Hoffnungstrger der Politik. Er wollte das Land reformieren. Seit ber zwei Jahren ermitteln allerdings Korruptionsstaatsanwlte gegen ihn, unter anderem wegen Falschaussage. Nun klagen sie ihn deswegen an.

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LK-99 ist hchstwahrscheinlich doch kein Supraleiter

Nach wochenlanger Aufregung hufen sich Indizien, die dagegen sprechen, dass ein Zimmertemperatur-Supraleiter gefunden wurde.

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Fyrstu 6 mnairnar r var innflutt fyri 5,9 milliardir krnur


INTERVIU , Bogdan Ivan: Sectorul cercetrii din va fi mapat pn la mijlocul lui 2024, mpreun cu , cu efect asupra trecerii institutelor de cercetare la universiti sau n consorii.

Sam Mewis: What its like to play in a World Cup final The stress, the joy, and the boozy renditions of "Teenage Dirtbag" Sam Mewis shares what it's like to play in a World Cup final


Froyar hava tflutt fyri 6,2 mia. kr. higartil r

Strur vkstur er tflutningi av fiskavrum. Ta eru vrur sum mjl, fur, lsi og lknandi



News from around the World.

Cypher Protocol Freezes $600,000 in Crypto Due to Security Flaw

Cypher Protocol, a decentralized futures exchange based in Solana, managed to freeze $600,000 worth of cryptocurrency on August 7 via a security flaw. In a post on X (Twitter) on August 18, Cypher Protocol reported that, with the assistance of several independent blockchain investigators, more than half of the stolen funds have been effectively frozen across centralized exchanges.

Sail World: NEW join the crew aboard classic yachts:

Marketing Specialist - Australian Chamber Orchestra

Schweizer Industrie steuert auf Abschwung zu

Die Schweizer Industrie hat ihre Erholung der letzten Quartale zunchst gestoppt. Die Produktion ist im zweiten Quartal 2023 erstmals seit 2021 rcklufig. Fr konomen deuten die Zahlen klar auf einen Abschwung hin.

OpenAI kauft Start-up Global Illumination

OpenAI hat den ersten Zukauf der Firmengeschichte gettigt. bernommen wurde das Start-up Global Illumination, das unter anderem Spielefirmen zugearbeitet hat.

Bateau - yacht: escale a saint barthelemy le 8201 saint trop 8201 des caraibes:

Russian troops fired missiles at one of Zaporizhzhia city districts.

Hacker News: New BlackCat Ransomware Variant Adopts Advanced Impacket and RemCom Tools

"Goldman" : Ivan Jablonka dcrypte la popularit d'une icne franaise inattaquable
franceinfo - 18/08 11:34
Dans son "Goldman" (Seuil), l'historien Ivan Jablonka dmontre que la chanson est politique. Le "goldmanisme", selon l'universitaire, s'inscrit dans une tradition social-dmocrate faite d'attention aux plus faibles, de respect des diffrences culture... 3973 chars

Le gant immobilier chinois Evergrande se dclare en faillite aux Etats-Unis
Boursorama - 18/08 12:58
Le logo du gant de l'immobilier chinois Evergrande Nanjing, dans la province chinoise du Jiangsu, le 18 aot 2023 ( AFP / STRINGER )
Le gant de l'immobilier chinois Evergrande, lourdement endett, a requis jeudi son placement aux Etats-Unis sous ... 2926 chars

BC News (CBC): Ottawa could do more to equip volunteer crews to fight wildfires: firefighter association president via /Canada/BritishColumbia

ncasri de peste un milion la Complexul Balnear Bile Srate de la Ocna , la 3 luni de la deschidere.
Primar: Aceste bi chiar fac minuni


Larian is changing how it deploys Baldurs Gate 3 patches after rollback issues

Check it out!

Metro: new covid variant reaches us as who warns over virus reporting

The human race isnt in its natural element soaring through the air, so perhaps its understandable that our bodies might protest a little.

Disney Freaky Friday. Townsville Choral Society. Review by Trevor Keeling.

The Register: Why securing East-West network traffic is so important and how it can be done

Good afternoon. It's 12PM, Friday, 18th August. The headlines: UK's cost of living crisis leads to nightclub closures and increased child poverty. Saudi Crown Prince receives UK invitation. Ukrainian drone downed over Moscow, according to Russia. Georgia officials probe Trump jury threats. Maui's services director steps down amid Hawaii wildfires, while evacuates 20,000 due to approaching fires. Pakistan sees mob attacks on churches and homes.

I just don't understand how anyone could come to the conclusion that burning a book is worse than murdering people

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Unul dintre obiectivele misiunii este cutarea unor surse de ap ngheat

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Ranking the ALs top rookies: Orioles Gunnar Henderson leads ROY race Taking stock of the AL's top 10 rookie hitters and top 10 rookie pitchers with about 40 games to go. Who will be the Rookie of the Year

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I'm still working through lessons in Duolingo, but I'd like to immerse myself in some longer form reading, too.

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